Man oh man. EA Sports did a number on me in the mid 90’s. The games they put out for FIFA, NHL, and NBA literally stayed locked in my Sega Genesis. My kid brother and I would play NHL ’94/’95 for hours on end trying to see how many goals we could score and how many players we could injure on each team. But in 1995 there was a seminal moment for Basketball in video games.
NBA Live ’95 came out, and a star was born. To this point arguably my favorite basketball video game was
Lakers vs. Celtics (Only could use 8 teams)
Bulls vs. Lakers (MJ was actually in this game)
Team USA Basketball (Hilarious to kick
Bulls vs. Blazers (Custom teams was a major plus)
Then NBA Live hit the scene. You mean I can call plays? All 27 teams are available? I can speed up my players with a “turbo” button. Dunk at will with players who have no business dunking, in situations where dunking doesn't seem possible? You got it! Twas a big moment for me. I think I played that game until it broke. It even saved all of your info! My kid brother and I would play as the all star teams, and battle late into the night. I even vaguely remember trading Nick Anderson for Stacey Augmon (Not sure why). Even now 13 years later it still ranks as one of my favorite games of all time.
I hope Dontonio Wingfield was in that game!
Remember the blak n white dunk motifs from double dribble?
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