Nathan Spencer is the Bionic Commando
Super Joe is back. But this time they gave him the queer ass name of Nathan Spencer. His name was Super Joe, and he touched my soul. He is as responsible for my multiple versions of substance abuse, addiction to meaningless distracting pursuits, and absolute insensitivity towards various forms of violence, racism, sexism, fascism, and iz-ism.
But enough of that. In Bionic Commando you play as a lone soldier taking on an army (called the Badds in the 80s). With a gun in one hand and a coiled arm composed of the most modern technologies, you are a one man shit kicking crew. You go in and take names.
But now it's 2008, and what was cool on the NES ain't gonna fly. As a result, we've got a suped up, albeit 2D, version of the original game. The arm has extra abilities, such as the ability to tear an enemy's cover away from him. The guns are more plentiful and pack that much more of a punch. And the action is every bit as fast and furious as its always been. Oh and check out the visuals. 2D has never looked more betterer.
Bionic Commando ReArmed is going to be available for download on both XBox Live and the Playstation Network. In addition to this reworked 2d model of the game, there is a full on 3d version of the game on the way as well.
Anyway, check out the video for a nice trailer.
Note: Capcom will make the Devil May Cry 4 Demo available for download tmrw Jan 24th on XBL and PSN. According to the article on ign.com the demo will show off several areas from the final game, a tutorial on using new character Nero's powers, and culminate in a final boss battle against Berial.
Well as far as Games go people, you need a WII!. My Xbox 360 only plays Call of Duty 4 (probably the best online play ever made) and Nba2k8 ( the most realistic basketball game ever made). Other than that I play my Wii. Even my 73 year old aunt plays the WII. It is fun Dammit. Good luck getting one
Wii's are for ppl who don't actual play games. If you're gaming library consists of Call of Duty 4, Halo 3, and Madden then yes, you prolly need a wii.
Name six games on the Wii that would matter to me for more than 2 weeks?
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