::Barack sitting in his office::
“My fellow Americans…” No, no, no… damn! Why do I have to be all political and crap? Why can’t I just be myself? ‘No one wants to see the real Barack’… my ass. How am I supposed to read this train wreck diatribe my speech writer wrote for me… I need some new rhymes…

::Hits the intercom::
“Shelly, get Luda on the phone…”
“LUDA! It’s Barack. Listen, I need some real powerful beats for my next speech… none of that Austin Powers shit, though…”
::Barack puts his feet up and falls into a day dream::
Do you smell what Barack is cooking?
::Music hits::
Finally… Barack has come back to the White House!

::soaks up applause::
You have Rudy and Hillary and the whole lot of 'em running their jabroni mouths and Barack single-handedly took them out one by one by damn one… Barack has LAYETH THE SMACKETHDOWN on their CANDYASSES!!! IF YOU SMELLLLLLLLLLLLL…
::Wakes up, thinking::
Working with Luda or Laying the Smackethdown is fine… but I think Barack can do them all one better…
::slowly nods::

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